The remarkable acquisitions of Prince Hans-Adam II
To mark the 80th birthday of His Serene Highness Hans-Adam II, we are focusing on the impressive art acquisitions made by the Prince for the Princely Collections, enhancing the displays in the Liechtenstein GARDEN and CITY PALACES and adding to a collection portfolio that has grown in magnitude over time. From the most expensive piece of furniture in the world, located in the GARDEN PALACE, to masterpieces by Hans Makart and Friedrich von Amerling in the CITY PALACE, these acquisitions span a range of genres and art historical styles.
Heritage designers at Liechtenstein CITY PALACE
Cast your eyes first up, and then down - from the glittering ceiling to the exquisite parquet floors.
As you tour the Liechtenstein CITY PALACE, discover more about the craftsmanship and artistry of Austrian heritage designers, whose cross-generational expertise was inspirational back in the 19th century - when Michael Thonet worked for the Prince of Liechtenstein - and continues to inspire today, with Lobmeyr and Swarovski restoring the Palace rooms to their former glory over a 5-year project completed in 2013.
The remarkable revitalization project of the Liechtenstein CITY PALACE.
The CITY PALACE Liechtenstein was revitalized in an elaborate, 5-year restauration project, which is now considered one of the most significant examples of historic preservation in Vienna. The special guided tours offer an insight into historic craftsmanship and modern preservation methods which were used to rekindle the splendors of the baroque building and its 19th-century rococo revival interiors.
The chandeliers of the Liechtenstein CITY PALACE
The unique and imposing chandeliers within the historic interior of the Liechtenstein CITY PALACE are each replete with an impressive history and testify to the diversity of decorative lighting styles during the 18th and 19th centuries. On this special guided tour of the CITY PALACE, visitors will learn more about the elaborate restoration of original chandeliers, as well as the exciting work undertaken to reconstruct chandeliers that could no longer be recovered. The tour also offers insights into the different craft and construction techniques deployed, giving visitors an opportunity to see for themselves the unique aspects of these priceless and truly resplendent masterpieces.