Office Palais Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein Gruppe AG, Immobilien Wien
Fürstengasse 1
1090 Vienna
How to reach the GARDEN PALACE
Line D, alighting at Seegasse or Bauernfeldplatz
U2: Schottentor, then take the 40A bus, alighting at Bauernfeldplatz
U4: Rossauer Lände, then proceed on foot 600 metres to the entrance on Fürstengasse
40A, alighting at Bauernfeldplatz
Underground carpark on Bauernfeldplatz
Bus stopping bays
At the corner of Liechtensteinstrasse / Fürstengasse
Access via the Liechtensteinpark
Alserbachstraße 14–16, 1090 Vienna
How to visit the GARDEN PALACE & the Liechtensteinpark
The GARDEN PALACE can only be visited in the context of events and guided tours.
The Liechtensteinpark is open to the public daily from 7.15am until 8.30pm.
The GARDEN PALACE is barrier-free accessible.
(Exception: the Princely Library is accessible via a few steps.)